2023-03-15 15:10:26



16/7 K3 2nd Term Parents’ Day下學期家長日

15/7 K1 & K2 2nd Term Parents’ Day 下學期家長日

13/7 Graduation Ceremony 23屆畢業典禮

11/7-12/7 Transition Activities 銜接活動

8/7-10/7  Activity Days 活動週

2/7 Flag Raising Ceremony升旗禮

                       June/2024 Activity

28/6  Grand Rehearsal 畢業典禮總綵

15/6  Orientation Day for New Parents新生家長簡介

14/6  Birthday Party (JUN & JUL) 生日會(6月及7)


7/6  Dragon Boat Festival Activity端午節活

                         May/2024 Activity

10/5  Talent Show Finale天才表演總決賽

17/5  Birthday Party (APR & MAY) 生日會(4月份及5月份)

22/5  K3 Disney Grad Days K3迪士尼畢業典禮


3/5  Photo Taking Day班級拍照


                       April/2024 Activity

23/4  World Book Day Celebration Fashion Show 世界閱讀

20/4  PTA Meeting 家長教師會會議

19/4  Cultural Dress Fashion Show民族服裝表

15/4  Flag Raising Ceremony to mark National Security Education Day



                       March/2024 Activity

1/3- Sports Day 運動會

5/3- Flower Planting Submission Date 提交花卉種植

6/3- Flower Show - Parents’ Viewing Date 家長參觀花展

7/3- Certificate Ceremony 頒獎禮

14/3- Fire Drill 走火警演習

15/3- Birthday Party (Feb & Mar)  &三生日會

20/3- K2 Visit to Brighter Smiles Playland  K2 參觀陽光笑容小樂園

23/3- Parenting Wokshop 親子工作坊

27/3- Easter Party 復活節派對



                    February/2024 Activity

2/2- 1st Term Parents’ Day 第一學期家長日

5/2- Chinese New Year’s Party 農曆新年慶祝會

19/2- 1st Day of 2nd Term 第二學期第一日


         January/2024 Activity

3/1- Flag Raising Ceremony for New Year 新一年升旗禮

6/1 -Parent Education Activity-Parenting Talk家長教育活動

19/1-K2- trip to Ocean Park  K2海洋公園之旅

20/1-Parents’ Talk 家長講座

26/1-Birthday Party (Dec & Jan)  12&一月生日會


29/1-1/2-Activities Week 活動週

              December/2023 Activity   

20/12-Christmas Party聖誕節慶祝會

15/12-1st Term Talent Show上學期天才表演

9/12-PTA Group Activity-TheraPlay家教會活動-TheraPlay

7/12-K1-K3 HK Wetland Park親子活動-參觀濕地公園

5/12 -Seasonal Influenza Vaccination第二劑量季節行流感疫苗接種

2/12 -Parent Education Activity- Parent-Child Group Adventure Activity 家長教育活動-親子團體探險活動 



             November/2023 Activity

30/11-K1 H2OPE Centre Visit 水知園參觀

28/11-Dental Check-up 學童牙齒檢查

25/11 -K1 2024 Admission Interview Day K1入學面試

24/11 -Birthday Party (OCT & NOV)  生日會(10&11月)

23/11-Fire Drill 走火警演習

18/11-Parents’ Talk on Oral Health Education口腔健康教育家長講座

4/11 -K1 2024 Admission Interview Day K1入學面試



           Flower Planting Project

                October/2023 Activity

31/10-Seasonal Influenza Vaccination季節性流感疫苗接種

30/10-Halloween Party萬聖節派對

20/10-K1- trip to Wadakiyama Plantation K1- 山種植園之旅

14/10-PTA General Meeting & Elections 家長教師會選舉

6/10-K3  Visit to The Peak 遊覽山頂 

3/10-K2 & K3 H2OPE Centre Visit 參觀水之源

              September/2023 Activity

29/9-Teacher Professional Development Day 教師發展日

28/9-Mid-Autumn Festival Party 中秋節派對

27/9-Flag Raising Ceremony to honour National Day升旗禮

22/9-Birthday Party (Aug & Sep) 8月及9月生日會